Thursday, January 22, 2009


My grandfather got hold of a car for real cheap and fixed it up. It was from the late 20's. Strange things start happening when it was restored. When you got into it, a strange sense of danger over came you. My mother and my aunts got their hair nearly pulled off while in it! Days later, my grandfather felt a pair hands grab his neck and started to strangle him. He barely made it out of car with his life. Soon, the car started to turn itself on and off by its self. Then, everybody started to see several pairs of red eyes in the car at night. The eyes stared back at the onlookers. The noise it caused was reported to the local police. The police knew about the car being haunted and it's history. They told my grandfather the car once belong to mobsters. The mobster were all killed in the very same car. Grandfather and the local police decided the car was to dangerous to be around. My grandfather and the police set the car on fire and bulldoze it. A hole was dug up. The car was thrown in and covered over with earth.

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