Thursday, January 22, 2009


When I was between the ages of 2 and 3 years old, I had what nearly all children had. An imaginary friend! I don't remember what it look like or what it sounded like or it's name. I played games with it, and it had fun. One day, my mother bought a little toy for me and I told her my friend want one as well. So the next time she bought me a toy, she bought it one too. When she got home, she place both set of toys on the table and handed me one. Then, she would turn around and the other toy would disappear into thin air. These strange events went for a couple of months until one night. That night, I was wrestling with it and it started being rough with me. I began crying and my father yelled at it. He thought I was using my imagination until he got punched in the face by an invisible hand. Then, he realizes it was real and yelled to it to never come back. It never did came back and nor the toys it took.

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