Monday, April 27, 2009


I have been watching and read all kinds of strange ( maybe true) ideas, theories, histories and sciences. I also keeping the many strange happenings of my family and friends in the back of my mind. A picture is coming into the light for me to see. The pieces that make this picture are chem trails, morgellons, codex alimntarius, ancient civilizations, organized religions, shamans, quantum physics, gravity, outer space, hive mind, human mind, inbreeding, presidents being all related, annuanki and their legacy.
Lets start here 20,000-15,000 B.C. A group of shamans or wise men some how gain (discovered or re-discover) knowledge and power to control their reality in the cradle of the world. Or they stumbled upon something that already mastered it. They quickly set many outposts through out the world. There are many ancient ruins that are totally ignored by modern archeology. But some event happen, an unknown force was unleashed and nearly wiped out all traces of this civilization. Between 5,000 -4,000 B.C. The Sumerian civilization appears. They are an advance race of people. Their science and astrology were recently matched in the early 20 century. They discussed the solar system and its many planets. They are the forefathers of the three major religions in the world. They also describe the origin of man, the genetic transformation of man from ape. (we are made in the image of the Annuanki they said). Yet again, the civilization collapses. A pattern starts to take shape. When every major civilization reaches an apex it is destroy and rebuilt somewhere else under new (old) rulers.
In the years between 20,000 B.C.- 1,500 A.D in the Americas, empires are born. Some of these empires easily match and some surpass the civilizations in the middle east. The ruins of Tiahuanaco are estimated to be 17,000 years old . Pumapunku temple is made out of corundum and needed diamond tip tools to create. The shamans or medicine men discovered a horrible truth or world plan yet to come. Many of the major empires simply abandoned their vast cities and disappeared into history. What did they discovered that frighten them nearly to death or suicide. The date of 2012 appears in what was left in their ruins. Some of the civilizations abandoned their cities nearly a 1,000 early. Why? Did they know that their cities would be destroyed eventually by outsiders who hungry for wealth ( gold) or something worse ( cheap slave labor). The remaining civilizations came under attack by foreigners and were slaughtered. Only thing that remains of them ( once tens of millions) are in bias history books, casinos and reservations were their decedents barely live (a free roaming zoo!).Did the american shamans accidentally discovered or invited the by the Ancient Ones (we known them as today as the Illuminati, Zionist, cult worshipers) to join them in the world constant reorganizing. We may never know.
I believe that this Ancient Ones keep this cycle of destruction and rebuilding to maintain there power. They some how created a hive mind to control and force their will over there cattle ( people). There are 13 members of this group. The group is divided into three groups. There are six lords of chaos, six lords of order and one architect. They created unknowing host families to influence their will. They influence them to marry within the group to keep their host DNA safe and constant. They marry outsiders occasional with extraordinary talents ( high I.Q., good fitness, etc) to keep the effects of inbreeding to a minimal. Why this so? They might have learned to pass their hive mind influence to their children and their decedents. A type of control reincarnation. Image that! That will explain the reoccurring cycle of wars and wealth gatherings. And that also explains why they are miles ahead of the good doers. Their influenced memories are mostly intact with their plans. As long their bloodline exists they are immortal. Sounds familiar? Think twisted perversion of Buddhism and why the Dalai Lama is a major threat. Their exclusive web of knowledge is nearly beyond understanding. They have thought of every scenario to protect their empires. History is their playground. They hone their skills of strategy though out the millenniums. Their will fogs our minds with multiple attacks on our reality by shaping it. What are they afraid of? Not normal people rebelling, it is people that can see their web of control. Their immortal cycle has periodic weak links. The years before and after 2012 will expose one of weak section of their cycle.
Lately, the Ancient Ones have let their puppets be exposed in the mass media. I believe it is on purpose. They want to see if there is any true resistance and danger to their reality. Why haven't any true patriots try to assassination any of them. No attacks when the Bilderburg group and Club of Rome have their meetings? There are rumors of the Chinese eliminating low ranking members and resources. If they are such a treat, why haven't there been no action. Maybe again, the Chinese and Russians might secretly know that the these groups are just unknowing puppets themselves. “Thou shall not kill” has been forced into our minds since childhood. This prevents sacrificing yourself for the remaining free people of the world! Protests will accomplish nothing. Let them view a million “armed” march on the capital and other places of power. Gather the corrupt elite and public sentence and execution of them. The elite that escape will summon their “police force” to save them and restore “order”. Will the military obey, divide, or turn against them. We can only hope. The death of the few will save countless billions of today and of tomorrow. It will expose them when they react. The world might wake up to the true danger yet to come. A nice idea that no one will follow. They hope that is the case or maybe wanting to happen. If nothing is done soon, then we deserve extinction.
The Ancient Ones devised a plan to control the populace. It starts when your born (fresh future slave). They give you shots ( to see how strong are you). Feed you food and drink they make.(poisons) Teach you rules (obey). Make you learn what they want you to know( mind control). Force you to accept one of their many organized religions and fight each other over which is best ( God fearing). Sexually controlling your love life by mentally restricting it by religion (married is just another evil controlling tool). Humans are not met to be paired up but, we have have been taught it is holy. One can love more than one person and sex is good. If you obey and do the most tricks correctly you get more meat on the bones they toss you (loyal dog). But if you resist, your labeled mentally ill, evil, lazy and worthless (free will).It worked for thousands of years. Those who become enlighten are hunted down and destroyed. The ones who become enlighten are killed and their teachings are then twisted.
Why 2012? There are clues pointing to themselves. Chem trails, morgellons, codex alimntarius, gun control,9/11, HAARP and many more. Why all the work? Think outer space, well the galaxy. Our solar system is supposedly going through the galactic plane and galactic alimented. What does it mean. Planetary change! The point is that something at a cosmic level might occur. The universe is filled with mysteries that we can't fathom. The Ancient Ones are not taking any chances. They wouldn't like their cattle to discover where and what they really are. If they succeed, their grip over this world will last thousands of years until the next cycle. But if they fail, their cycle will be severally damage and might not be able to continue. True death for them and the beginning of the golden age of man! The targets: Indigo children, Dalai Lama and Messiah like humans. Not thousands but millions will be born. They will wake the cattle and make them stampede toward there masters. Free will can do wonders. They foresaw this and plan to counter it. They don't what their genes influence or change that might disrupt their immortality
To stop the cosmic influence on the Earth, chem trails is the answer to that. It has two parts. They fill the upper atmosphere with metals and other particles. If HAARP is activated, it will charge the air creating a force field. This will deflect or weaken the signal that will change our future and decedents. The ones who are effected are then infected when strange disease. The mystery material that falls down from the sky is widely known to be contagious. Morgellons is the new plague to stop them. If Hildegarde Staninger is telling the truth. Morgellons is the perfect creation. A true cybernetic life form..It infects all life forms and waits to assemble itself in your bowels. Game over. Pain overtakes you, mentally and physically. They have a cure (off switch) and fake drugs. It might have another purpose to its unique design. To track you if your off the “Grid”. People infected have a high electrical charge to their bodies. You will be a walking GPS for their terminators ( predators and big dogs) and their handlers. Its like having a RFID chip without you noticing it. If you survive this, the food is the next target. This is were codex alimntarius comes in. Bend to their will or starve to death in a cave. If you comply, enjoy your GMO foods. A weak body and mind is easily controlled. Those who rebel,will be overwhelm by the zombie cattle ( sheeple with morgellons). Dawn of The Sheeple!
The true allies of free will be odd ones. Latin countries (South America), Middle East and Far East (Russia and China). Why? They refuse to be under control of the N.W.O and know what will happen to them. So, disinformation is sent out to confuse the sheeple. False flags cause controlled fears. Why would the Russia and China invade U.S.A.? Why send hundred of millions soldiers across vast seas to conquer a land they already own? Why expose their homelands? They know better! It's a trap by them to strike their foes with one strike. The Russian and Chinese spy network might know or discovered a horrible truth. The true “war machine” of U.S. is yet to be unleashed. Image thousands of foreign invading the west coast and the president going live on TV and asking the “free world” to help. Lets re-state the draft, mass produce weapons like advance machines (tanks, airplanes, killer robots),and hell give us your DNA for bio engineered clone armies. Yes, I said that! There been cloning experiments since the 40's. How many black projects do they have. I have heard from ex-military sighting clone people. There are rumors of foreign armies here. Maybe they are clones to fake an invasion. It doesn't take much. Clothes and equipment can be copied. You can believe what you see right? Russia and China couldn't refute the fake evidence. WWIII will began. A great way to depopulate the planet. How do we feed the clones? That is easy, cannibalizes the dead. Yum! Even PETA has helped by funding ways to mass clone meats to save animals. I believe the “fema coffins” are containers to hold liquidifing human remains to create true fast food. Don't think the Elite are not closet cannibals themselves. Remember many ancient cultures practice cannibalism.
By then, Mexico and Canada will be annex by the U.S. to form the North America Empire. When western Europe joins it will become the North Atlantic Empire. Of course they won't call themselves that. As of now, Mexico is at the brink of civil war caused by US corporations (NAFTA). Is real bad when Mexicans get outsource themselves. We are heading to another civil war if we get a chance. Now, they have the swine flu epidemic to contribute. If the Mexican government falls, the US will invade to takeover to prevent “terrorists from operating the weaken country.” Canada will be hit by many “terrorist actions” that eliminate the government. There are reports that Canada's military will be taking a vacation by then. They might wait till the sun acts up, solar flare. Good timing for takeover. People will “beg” the US to help them govern them. Now the nearby countries will be easy prey. The Caribbean Fleet will force small islands obey or be deem terrorists and be blockaded. Armies will swell, feed by GMO foods and fluoride tainted water. The US will march all the way to Panama, there the Chinese, Russians and South American forces will stop them in there tracks for awhile. Non- N.W.O. Countries will be hit by secret high power E.M.P. Weapons develop by Nicholes Tesla. This will make 90% of modern weapons useless and open all roads to conquest. The beginning of the human extermination will begin. It will take roughly two years to eliminate all pockets of “feral humans”. The remaining loyal cattle will be abandoned at locations where there is no food and water. The neo-morgellons in their bodies will be activated to insure their destruction. The 500 million left will be of N.W.O genetic design (eugenics), to insure their immortality on reality. Timing is everything!
I believe they have nearly exterminated the human race several times in history. This history is of multiple Earths of different universes in multiple time lines. There have been discoveries of human remains and tools dated back to 300 million years. This means humans didn't evolved on this planet at all. The bulk of the humans were shipped here around 300,000 – 200,000 years ago from the dying world or worlds due to war(s) of rebellion. Why do we have the same DNA make up like other animals on this planet. We came from a Earth that is several hundred million years older than this one. It appears that this is a pattern. The Ancient Ones have ruled us for along time. I believe when the slave population “awakens”, they are nearly annihilated. Some do escape to other time lines and try to leave clues of what and will happen. The surviving slaves' decedents are then de-evolved and are thrown onto a new Earth to do it all over again. A cruel cycle it is.
The many aliens and their agendas also are a clue to whats to happen and what is to come. I believe aliens have been visiting Earth for hundreds of millions of years. Earth's vast animal life is the main reason of such traveling to this remote part of space. The E. T.s studied and probably hunted the animals for game. The aliens already built observation stations of the moon and Mars. Image that one day they came to study the life on the planet and finding humans suddenly there. They are wondering who dropped this evasive species on this planet without alerting them. They approached the new lifeforms and learned their plight. They report their findings to their home world about the immediate threat. At this point the E. T. s abandoned their bases and left the solar system. Or the Ancient Ones sent their force through a jump gate to recapture or exterminate the “feral humans” and attacked the E. T. s as well. Whatever the case is, the solar system went under a galactic quarantine. The major alien civilizations agreed that this trans-dimensional threat must not leave it's home space or fear a galactic or even an universal epidemic. They fear if this force leaves the system, they will enslave every civilization and force them into the Ancient Ones reality matrix. So, any vessel entering the system are on their own. The E. T.s fear their technology might help their multi-Earth conquests further and bring forth additional horrors. Yet, the Earth's aura sents out a welcoming energy to hostile E. T.s. This aliens are seduced by the evil rulers to help with each others agendas. Then they are unknowingly caught in the web. These aliens are trying to figure out the human sheeple enigma and their multiple uses. Technology is traded for the humans and the local animals. They believe the low technology they give satisfies the greedy humans but their assumption is wrong. They are being spied on by eyes from beyond the multi-verse of Earths.
The Ancient Ones have vast powers due to their reality matrix monopolies, but they are trapped in their home dimension. It appears that their own power have anchor their bodies there. Space travel is out of their reach as well. It appears there is a quantum mechanical problem that is the cause. Yet, they can break of part of their conscious to travel through the many dimensions. They need to create a rift gate strong enough to let them travel through out their empire. Any alien and other multidimensional technology will aid them to the goal of freedom. There are natural gates that open occasionally, but are too small. That’s why nearly all sacred sites have military bases near them. The sites are nexus feeding points that the Ancients use to control and feed on their slaves. This is another reason why the human population are not allowed to transverse the universe. Without the humans to fed their reality, they will face certain death. Their true goal is control the very fabric of the multi-verse and it's reality to touch the true face of God.
Rational aliens and beings that serve the force of love are also watching our actions carefully. If this planet falls into darkness, the planet will be destroyed to save this universe. This is the reason why the bulk of the Mayans and other races left the planet when they could, through natural gate and/or alien vessels. Few stay behind to warn new civilizations
of the coming future. They might return to help us fight the minions that invade the Earth. Unfortunately, most of the warnings were destroyed by the servants of the Ancient Ones. The less you know the better the slave you are. Yet, the human spirit is truly divine and they fear that unpredictability. The essence of God is sleeping in the human soul and waiting to be unleashed. That is why they don't want you be able to tap into, because they once tap into it to become what they are. So, you must resist physically and spiritually.

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