Thursday, January 22, 2009


For nearly 16 yrs, I lived on property that was and probably still very haunted. My father became caretaker of his employer's land. He bought a trailer that was placed on the land. Years, before I was born, my father was in charge of clearing his boss's vast property. While doing so , he found human remains. They were old. It turn out to be graves of Native Americans. He's employer told him dumped them in made man pond on the property. Ever since that day, all kinds of paranormal activity appeared. Hordes of ghosts , a powerful shaman spirit who tries to buy your soul, unidentified bipeds , a living cloud of fog , a large unknown flying creature , a mutant cat with human hands and a giant snake (it appears to be an anaconda). The local dog man/ werewolf ( who lives not to far away) stays clear of this area.
Lets start with the giant anaconda. It fed on stray dogs and alligators. It liked to travel the flower fields that didn't have DDT sprayed on it. These fields is where it hunted and also where the women worked as well. One day my mother went on her lunch break . She sat on a nearby log and took out her lunch which included an apple. She place the apple next to her while getting out her sandwich. She turned back to get it and it was gone. Then she got up to look for it. Instead , she was face to face with this monster with her apple in it's month. It's head was bigger than her owns'. She yelled for help and ran. Lucky her supervisor was nearby and came to her aid. The snake fled into the pond region of the nproperty. It was sited several more times in the later months. The last it was seen is when my mother and her supervisor were driving the wooded area of the field and accidentally hit a log. It was no log! It was the snake and it started to jump in the air wildly. Then in fled into the brush and never was seen again. Probably die of its wound, the body was never found though.
The were sightings of native american ghosts in the woods and one of owners home (which was on the property). The ghosts in the house terrorized the house maid a lot. She didn't last to long there. One time, they rock a riding rocking horse and played the music without batteries. Another time my mother was babysitting the owner's children . She was watching TV with the kids , suddenly saw an native trying to enter the window. He got in. They saw each other, she told the kids to run to their rooms. He chased them down the hall, but disappeared all of suddenly. He must have realize who he was about to fight with ( mom is another story). On one Halloween night, they made their move with help from unidentified bipeds ( possible shadow people/creatures). Lucky that night , my cousins came over to visit. Me and my cousin Andrew went around the fields looking for snakes and visiting my father (works 18-20 hr days). We were going back home and I remembered that the owner is going to have a party for the kids at his house. We took the nearest short cut ( it goes though a swamp with a canopy). This all happening at night. We could see a bright light coming from the house though the little swamp. Just before the swamp a dark figure appeared before us about 40 ft away. It was about 5 ft high. Then it crouch down and charged at us. We ran after we shot several rounds at it ( pellet guns). After we got home, I told mom what happen. She wasn't surprised at all. Again, we went off to get to the party. Route two was just as dark (though the woods.) So, route three was the choice. This route went around the patch of woods. It was open and there was some moonlight to guide us. It was the longest one of the three. Halfway down the road there is a separate garage that contains race cars and their fuel. By the first tree near the garage we saw something large staring at us. It was about 9 ft tall. It looked almost transparent to us.. Again we ran back home. This time mom came with us. She drove us to the to the owners home. We came armed with real guns and big knives. The large black shape that was standing near the garage was gone. We finally made it to the party but no one was there. We suddenly saw the play ground was on fire . Me and Andrew stump out the fire and the water hose to finish of the hard ones. My mother ran into the house and call around to find the owner. He was at his father `s home with his kids. He made a little fire in a pit he dug to roast marsh mellows for later that night. She told him his playground was on fire but didn't tell him the rest. When she was returning to the yard she glimpsed the very tall thing by the sliding glass doors in the living room. About ten minutes past and the owner returned with his father. I guess the ghosts tried to stop us from putting out the fire. If left unchecked, the fire would burned down the garage and ignited the nitro that was stored there.. This would have cause a big explosion that would ignited the entire woods on fire a lot faster. This would have also catch the nearby fields on fire as well. My father was spraying flammable insecticide from his large tanker that night . Talk about a chain reaction. Lucky we stopped it in time.
The serpent shaman story took place when I was 4-5 yrs old. I remember the commotion this spirit caused. My mother filled in the rest. It all started when my aunt, Betsy , took a moonlight walk around the property. On a road near the man made pond, she saw a light glowing near it. She investigated the unknown glow and saw a strange site. The glow came from a large rattlesnake that was sitting there. She ran back to my house and gathered my mother, father and another aunt. She went to show them where it was, it was still there. My father grabbed it and tied it to a tree with a chain. The next morning he went to get it but it was gone. Instead, there were rusty coins in its` place. Nickels, dimes and quarters made up the snakes shape. So each night they hunted the glowing snake and found it. For about a week, money would appeared where it was chained up. The coins got newer in appearance. On the third day, dollar bills appeared . They were wet and moldy, but later days became crispy. All this money was placed in a large jar. They told no one about the daily happenings until one day my father told his friends. One of his friends( an old Puerto Rican) told him it was a trap. He said it was a spirit of a shaman who bought souls. Soon, he will come to collect. He told my father to get rid of the money soon as possible. Throw it back where it came, the nearest body of water. The next day my father didn't collect the daily money. That night they waited to see what happens. It was around midnight, when a knock on the front door was heard. Then it became a constant knocking . Aunt Betsy looked out the window and saw the glowing rattlesnake. It was knocking on the door with its own head. Of course, no one opened the door. My father got the jar and ran out the back door with it . He ran to the man made pond and threw the jar into it. When the jar entered the water a bright beam of light shot out of it. The snake disappeared as suddenly it appeared. It was a close one they thought. The old Puerto Rican who helped them died the next day. Someone had to pay the price.
One night, when I was around fifteen, I was watching TV around 1 a.m. and mom was getting ready to go to bed. Suddenly, we heard a knocking at the back door. So, I thought my father forgot his keys somewhere and wanted in. Like an idiot, I opened the door to a surprising sight. Before me was a cloud of fog so thick it look like milk. I stuck my hand in it and cut it with it. The cloud was almost felt like a liquid. My mother told me to close the door quickly and I did. I went to the front door and look outside. It was clear as night and there was a full moon. I went outside and saw the cloud was only in the backyard. It was only the length of the trailer and about 10 ft high. I went back in and lock all the doors. Then the cloud slowly went into the woods nearby. In the morning we told my father want happened. He yelled at us . He almost never gets mad. In his life, he yelled at me twice, this was one of them. We were told never to open the door at night, especially if you can't see what's out there. Later, when I was at school he told my mother about the cloud. It was a common visitor in the fields at night. He had seen a humanoid like shapes walking around in it. He always said that he is was protected from most things due to him being on his high tanker. A chemical hazard suit and a 1000 gallon tank of pesticide were his best friends. He had seen many strange things that lurked in those fields when the sun went down.
One night, a gray tabby appeared at my door. She appeared normal for except her front paws. They were very long and very human like. She had trouble walking with them. But these paws were excellent for subduing and strangling her prey. When she had her first litter, they were born with six toed, she would sit and breast fed like a human female would. She trained her children to hunt in a pride, like lions. She took down all kinds of prey, even very large prey like raccoons and armadillos. I guess they like raw meat with their cat food. When we were forced to leave the property, we had to leave them behind. The pride would hunt for days before they returned home, we couldn't wait that long. Maybe her and her descendants are still wondering those woods still mutating.
In the finally weeks of moving, the landowner discovered a that a lamp post on the telephone pole had been out for nearly twenty years. The last time it was on, a mysterious arrow came out of nowhere and broke it. Then the arrow vanished into thin air. So, a new bulb was put in. It was hard to sleep with that extra light shining through your window for a while. One night ,I woke up into complete darkness. I guessed the ghosts got the light again. So, when I was going to the bathroom I noticed the post light's light in the living room. I woke up mom and we went to my bedroom to show her what was going on. Then, we heard a noise outside and now noticed the light coming into the living room was almost gone. The shape it took was of wings. We heard crunching sounds coming from outside. Then we heard it walk away and my bedroom light came in again. In the morning we went outside and look at my napoleon lemon tree. The center of this 15+ foot tree was broken and many of the huge lemons in the center were gone. There were none on the ground as well. It might be a giant fruit bat we guess. Two days later we moved.
In 2004, Hurricane Charley devastated the region. Our former home was destroyed and the landowner's business and property took heavy damage and it is closed. Now the Burnt Store Road area of Southwest FL is now under heavy development for hundreds of condos and prestige homes. Many of the mysteries will go unknown or unsolved. Yet, it might as well spout new sightings. Someone might dig up something they shouldn't have.

1 comment:

  1. Cool story bro. Sounds like some supernatural shit be happening up in thuuur.
