Thursday, December 30, 2010


I realized something Uncle Frank said to his sisters while I was posting on Facebook about a possible pending destruction of Earth.Frank once mention to his siblings about how the world ends by an explosion. It was so frightening to him that he would not go into details of how it happens. He believed that if the details were not told, the event would not happen. Why? The obvious answer is someone in the family or connected to the family is the one would shatters the world. Makes kinda sense. Lucille saved humanity 50-60 years ago so be it someone from the family who destroys it. Then the question is who, how and when. Frank stated that all his siblings and him are long dead when the event happens. Frank been dead for years and today several of aunts are still alive. Ok lets look at there children. Nearly all of their children reject there past and abilities. And those who embrace it are less than a handful. But none have any abilities near even a quarter of Lucille or Pashuwie the Shaman. I don't know of any cousin that is working at a top secret lab or black project. Everybody who has the two special bloodlines are all counted for. Problem is Dr. Pearls creations and DNA research for his boss's black ops projects. How much of it still survives and is at use today. Did a later team created the ultimate abomination and is "sleeping in that special vault". Or is it sitting pretty gathering dust waiting someone new and talented to come along. Technology of today is far more superior than 60 years ago. anything can happen now. Maybe by posting this on my blog I accidentally kick started the apocalypse. LOL!

Monday, January 4, 2010

What I was taught about intangible beings.

One thing, don't believe everything you read from the bible. It has been heavily tainted by the hand of power hunger evil men. What I learn from my mother about the paranormal came from her grandmother (on her father's side) and grandfather ( on her mother's side). They were raised as christians but became something different later. They encounter all kinds of supernatural events. By these encounters came their knowledge.
When someone dies, your core of your being leaves this plain but your memories stay here. They were created on this earthly plain and are recycle to the next generations. Some evil beings use these loop hole to cause troubles for the living. This is the main reason why not to use ouji boards and seances to summon the dead. It is not a sin to talk to the dead that is already hanging out at a site.
Ghosts as you know come in different forms. Residue haunting is a place that has been stain by the memories of the living. This type of haunting is harmless. A low level haunting is the intelligent memories of a soul which core has left this plain. It is very weak and must take time to gather energy to manifest. A medium level is that a the core with its memories intact and isn't aware its physical body is gone and are confused. This types of spirits can be awaken to their situation and most of them leave this plain. A high level is very extremely rare. These spirits are on a mission. They have mastered some abilities to affect the surrounding environment. Most are evil and can be mistaken for demons. Kind ones rarely reveal themselves to the living and usual protect a certain area or person.
Non-human entities. Low level beings are single animal spirit or transdiminsional parasites (poltergiest). They are mostly harmless but mostly annoying. Medium level are shadow beings which are larger intelligent parasitic beings that attach to people and cause illness. Sacred site guardian is a group of animal spirits that combine to form one being to watch over feeding area or water hole. Possessers are evil beings that love to cause chaos to the world of the flesh. It takes time for them take over a person. They are low level evil entities (demons) and are mistaken for fallen angels of legend. Doppelgangers are parasitic race of very common tricksters. They take the form of living and the dead. They can download memories from the victims though a type of psychic scan. Their form can fool 95% of psychics and 99% of the living. Only the eagle eyed can tell the difference. High level are extremely rare and dangerous. Most are found in rural and dark dwellings away from man. Others are summoned by true masters of a craft. And others are NEVER noticed by anyone because they keep to themselves. These DO NOT play the haunting game at all and don't hide their true form. Usual encounters with these equal death unless something equal or greater interferes on one's behalf.